desde 1987

grammar in practice 2


  • Autor: roger gower
  • Editora: Cambridge University Press
  • Qtd. Páginas: 71
  • Isbn: 9780521665667
  • Código Estoque: 369535A
  • Estado de Conservação: Condição geral: bom, conserva-se em boas condições para o manuseio da leitura em relação ao ano de publicação. Capa/Contracapa: preservada. Páginas: conservadas.. levemente amarelado na lateral do miolo.
  • 1 em estoque

    Peso 208 g
    Dimensões 15 × 21 × 3 cm




    Grammar in Practice 2 provides grammar practice in a simple and accessible format. It has 40 units of quick grammar exercises for adults at elementary level. Regular test sections give learners the opportunity to revise what they have learnt. The book is small and easy to carry so learners can choose when and where they want to study. Grammar in Practice: • has enjoyable exercises with real-world situations familiar to adult learners • is clearly illustrated to help clarify meaning and so build confidence • has clear grammar models and a full answer key for the assurance of easy reference. Contents 1 She’s an accountant; 2 has he got a passport?; 3 That’s a good idea; 4 Is there a cafe? 5 Be careful!; 6 It’s her phone; 7 I can read English well; 8 My friend’s house; 9 A bowl of soup; 10 I know you; Test 1-10; 11 I’m reading a book; 12 Are you at home?; 13 Is he working? 14 We like our job; 15 You sound happy; 16 Do you work too hard?; 17 What do you do?; 18 I’m usually early; 19 She learns quickly; 20 They weren’t there yesterday; Test 11-20; 21 They worked hard; 22 The capital of Paraguay; 23 What did you see?; 24 I’m going to stop the car!; 25 Would you like some water?; 26 I have to get up early; 27 Let’s go out! 28 How much coffee did you drink? 29 It is more expensive…; 30 The heaviest baby in the world; Test 21-30; 31 I like studying; 32 She hasn’t visited Japan 33 The train’s just left; 34 Is it a long way?; 35 Have you finished?; 36 Send me the bill; 37 I was having dinner… 38 I’ll help you; 39 Were you working?; 40 When I finish, I’ll have a party; Test 31-40

    SKU: 450440Categorias: Ensino de Idiomas, LivrosLoja: Loja Centro
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