desde 1987

Lord Of The Flies


  • Autor: William Golding
  • Editora: faber and faber
  • Qtd. Páginas: 225
  • Isbn: 9780571273577
  • Código Estoque: 43774A
  • Estado de Conservação: Condição geral: bom, conserva-se em boas condições para o manuseio da leitura em relação ao ano de publicação. Capa/Contracapa: preservada. Páginas: conservadas..
  • 1 em estoque

    Peso 309 g
    Dimensões 2 × 13 × 20 cm




    A plane crashes on a desert island and the only survivors, a group of schoolboys, assemble on the beach and wait to be rescued. By day they inhabit a land of bright fantastic birds and dark blue seas, but at night their dreams are haunted by the image of a terrifying beast. As the boys’ delicate sense of order fades, so their childish dreams are transformed into something more primitive, and their behaviour starts to take on a murderous, savage significance. First published in 1954, Lord of the Flies is one of the most celebrated and widely read of modern classics.

    SKU: 111381Categorias: Literatura Estrangeira, LivrosLoja: Loja Centro
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