desde 1987

The Golden Compass: 1


  • Autor: Philip Pullman
  • Editora: Yearling Books
  • Qtd. Páginas: 399
  • Isbn: 9780440418320
  • Código Estoque: 373594A
  • Estado de Conservação: Condição geral: bom, conserva-se em boas condições para o manuseio da leitura em relação ao ano de publicação. Capa/Contracapa: com leves desgastes nas extremidades. Dorso: pequeno desgastes. Páginas: levemente amareladas pela ação do tempo; amareladas na lateral do miolo. Nada que atrapalhe a leitura.
  • 1 em estoque

    Peso 408 g
    Dimensões 3 × 13 × 19 cm




    Lyra is rushing to the cold, far North, where witch clans and armored bears rule. North, where the Gobblers take the children they steal–including her friend Roger. North, where her fearsome uncle Asriel is trying to build a bridge to a parallel world.

    Can one small girl make a difference in such great and terrible endeavors? This is Lyra a savage, a schemer, a liar, and as fierce and true a champion as Roger or Asriel could want.

    But what Lyra doesn’t know is that to help one of them will be to betray the other…

    A masterwork of storytelling and suspense, Philip Pullman’s award-winning The Golden Compass is the first in the His Dark Materials series, which continues with The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass.

    A #1 New York Times Bestseller
    Published in 40 Countries

    “Arguably the best juvenile fantasy novel of the past twenty years.” –The Washington Post

    “Very grand indeed.”–The New York Times

    “Pullman is quite possibly a genius.” –Newsweek

    SKU: 509831Categorias: Literatura Estrangeira, LivrosLoja: Loja Centro
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