desde 1987

Astrophotography – An Introduction to Film and Digital Imaging


  • Autor: H. J. P. Arnold
  • Editora: Firefly Books
  • Qtd. Páginas: 256
  • Isbn: 9781552978016
  • Código Estoque: 76118A
  • Estado de Conservação: Condição geral: bom, conserva-se em boas condições para o manuseio da leitura em relação ao ano de publicação. Capa/Contracapa: com leves desgastes. Folha de rosto: com riscos; com manchas de oxidacao. Páginas: conservadas.. Com Manchas de Oxidação na Lateral do Miolo. Nada que atrapalhe a leitura.
  • 1 em estoque

    Peso 491 g
    Dimensões 1 × 12 × 20 cm




    Astronomy buffs often wish they could photograph what they see through their telescopes. Camera buffs often wish they knew the techniques for capturing majestic yet elusive heavenly bodies. Astrophotography brings these two hobbies together in one complete resource.

    This big, fully-illustrated book offers:

    Practical guidance and authoritative advice
    Equipment resources and contacts
    Brand-new star charts and illustrations
    Techniques for conventional and digital photography
    Step-by-step instructions are given for choosing and using the right camera, shooting with a telescope, getting the best out of black and white and color film, and developing pictures at home or while traveling.

    Specific instructions are given for photographing:

    The Sun, the Moon and the planets
    Meteors and comets
    Stars and satellites
    Rainbows, halos, and other phenomena in the night sky
    This new edition also includes the latest information for shooting digital and dedicated astro CCDs (charge-coupled device) for capturing faint nebulae and distant galaxies. Generously illustrated with 100 color and black and white photographs, Astrophotography is an attractive and easy-to-use reference.

    SKU: 147788Categorias: Astronomia, LivrosLoja: Loja Centro
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