desde 1987

Pinocchio (Tor Classics)


  • Autor: Carlo Collodi
  • Editora: Tor Trade
  • Edição: 1
  • Qtd. Páginas: 222
  • Isbn: 9781250898395
  • Código Estoque: 385672A
  • Estado de Conservação: Condição geral: bom, conserva-se em boas condições para o manuseio da leitura em relação ao ano de publicação. Capa/Contracapa: com leves desgastes. Folha de rosto: com manchas de oxidacao. Páginas: levemente amareladas pela ação do tempo; amareladas na lateral do miolo.
  • 1 em estoque

    Peso 307 g
    Dimensões 2 × 14 × 21 cm




    An introduction by Guillermo del Toro, director of the Academy Award-winning Netflix original movie!”It took one look at Gris’ design for me to be convinced that… this was ‘the’ Pinocchio.”―Guillermo del ToroThis edition has the full text of the original Pinocchio with a mixture of full-page and spot illustrations in black and white integrated in the text, in pen-and-ink style. The ink is sepia brown.Once there was a lonely woodcutter named Geppetto-who dreamed of having a boy of his own. So one day he carved a boy out of wood and named him Pinocchio.When the puppet comes to life, it’s Geppetto’s dream come true.Except Pinocchio turns out to be not such a nice boy after all. Pinocchio enjoys nothing better than creating mischief and playing mean tricks. As he discovers, being bad is much more fun than being good.For a while, anyway.Happily for Pinocchio, he will learn that there is much more to being a real boy than having fun.A magical tale that has entertained children of all ages for more than a hundred years, this lavishly and gorgeously illustrated new edition is the perfect introduction of a timeless classic to a new generation of readers.And that’s no lie!

    SKU: 511689Categorias: Infantil - Infantojuvenil, LivrosLoja: Loja Centro
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