desde 1987

Reaching for the Invisible God – What Can We Expect to Find?


  • Autor: philip yancey
  • Editora: Zondervan Publishing House
  • Edição: 10
  • Qtd. Páginas: 301
  • Isbn: 9780310235316
  • Código Estoque: 374475A
  • Estado de Conservação: Condição geral: bom, conserva-se em boas condições para o manuseio da leitura em relação ao ano de publicação. Capa/Contracapa: com leves desgastes nas extremidades; com antiga etiqueta de catalogação. Folha de rosto: com riscos; com manchas de oxidacao. Páginas: riscadas/grifadas a grafite. levemente sujo e amarelado na lateral do miolo. Nada que atrapalhe a leitura.
  • 1 em estoque

    Peso 642 g
    Dimensões 16 × 23 × 3 cm




    How does a relationship with God really work? How do I relate to a God who is invisible, when I’m never quite sure he’s there? How do I know him? How do I communicate with him? How do I live my life growing in my understanding of him, living more and more with a conscious awareness of him, doing more of those things he indicates are good for me–and others?Many have found the bright promises people make about God don’t work. Others have seen God’s promises work, but have stumbled, and want to believe again. Author Philip Yancey pointed out in Disappointment with God some of the false expectations people have in God and his workings. It’s time now to turn the coin. In Reaching for the Invisible God Yancey answers the question What Can We Expect from God? with a surprising investigation of how the Christian life really does work.The average person often finds that what they hear in a sermon or read in a Bible corresponds to little of what they experience. Why? When others do experience great things from God, those who sense ‘business as usual’ in their spiritual life ask, ‘What’s wrong with me?’ God doesn’t do certain things he could–heal, mend, or change–but what does he do? How does God work, and how does he work with me?In taking on these questions Yancey continues his quest to help readers get close to the core of Christian truth and experience. Reaching for the Invisible God develops what we can expect from God by taking readers to six foundational areas: the thirst or hunger for God, God himself, the Spirit, faith, growth, and personal transformation in the spiritual life. Reaching for the Invisible God also explores the personality of God, the choice God made in limiting himself, and the great condescension he made as the Holy Spirit, choosing to live in human beings. Finally, Reaching for the Invisible God comes to an appropriate finish as Yancey writes about growth, about childlike living under God apart from unrealistic expectations, legalisms, and unhealt

    SKU: 457570Categorias: Livros, ReligiãoLoja: Loja Centro
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