desde 1987

Vernon God Little


  • Autor: Dbc Pierre
  • Editora: harvest book
  • Qtd. Páginas: 277
  • Isbn: 9780156029988
  • Código Estoque: 369828A
  • Estado de Conservação: Condição geral: bom, conserva-se em boas condições para o manuseio da leitura em relação ao ano de publicação. Capa/Contracapa: preservada. Folha de rosto: com manchas de oxidacao. Páginas: levemente amareladas pela ação do tempo. amarelado na lateral do miolo.
  • 1 em estoque

    Peso 395 g
    Dimensões 2 × 14 × 20 cm




    When sixteen kids are shot on high school grounds, everyone looks for someone to blame. Meet Vernon Little, under arrest at the sheriff’s office, a teenager wearing nothing but yesterday’s underwear and his prized logo sneakers. Moments after the shooter, his best buddy, turns the gun on himself, Vernon is pinned as an accomplice. Out for revenge are the townspeople, the cable news networks, and Deputy Vaine Gurie, a woman whose zeal for the Pritikin diet is eclipsed only by her appetite for barbecued ribs from the Bar-B-Chew Barn. So Vernon does what any red-blooded American teenager would do; he takes off for Mexico.

    Vernon God Little is a provocatively satirical, riotously funny look at violence, materialism, and the American media.

    SKU: 476480Categorias: Literatura Estrangeira, LivrosLoja: Loja Centro
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